Bloomington Ice Garden
Modernizing and improving this historic, 50-year-old facility to meet the community’s needs for the next 50 years and beyond.
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Closed for construction through fall 2025
Project Updates
Visit this page often for updated project information.
Schematic design is complete.
Project moved into design development phase May 22, 2024.
Dasher board and refrigeration equipment has been purchased.
Existing floors in all three rinks will be removed and reconstructed (see infographic below)
Rink 3 will shrink from Olympic (100’ x 200’) to NHL (85’ x 200’) size
Project Update presented to Bloomington City Council July 22, 2024.
A public open house was held Tuesday, July 23, 2024 to give the community an opportunity to learn more about the facility renovation and modernization project., including:
Concept design plans
Major components including arena floor, dasher boards and ice system
A presentation by JLG Architects (view it in the Media & Resources section)
September 17, 2024: BIG “Icebreaking” event held, including brief comments from City administrators, Council members, and the architect team. Renovation diagrams and plans were presented showing what’s to come.
November 2024: Design and Development phase scheduled for completion.
December 2, 2024: Project update and request for City Council approval.
January - February 2025: Removal of Display Cases and Memorabilia
In preparation for construction beginning in March, from January 6 through February 28, display cases and framed memorabilia are being removed from the facility to ensure the safe preservation of these items.
February 2025: Construction of new ice mechanicals room on east side of building begins.
March 2025: Comprehensive interior work begins, including Rink 3, main concourse, and concessions.
Do you wonder what it takes to create and maintain a properly functioning ice rink? Hint: There’s a lot more to it than ice!
Diagram shows hockey player on Ice Garden ice sheet and depicts several layers of infrastructure top to bottom, starting with one to one-and-a-half inches of ice, then five inches of reinforced concrete with cooling pipes, then vapor barrier, then three inches of foam insulation, and finally six inches of sand subfloor with warming pipes. The sand layer keeps the rink from forming a deep permafrost layer over time, which can cause problems with the integrity of the rink system.
The Facility
Bloomington Ice Garden (BIG) is a regionally and nationally significant skating facility that opened with one sheet of ice in 1970. A second rink was added in 1975, and a third in 1993.
Over the years, BIG has played host to skating luminaries including Olympic and World Champion figure skater Dorothy Hamill, NHL scoring king and hall of famer Wayne Gretzky, U.S. Figure Skating Championships, and the 1980 “Miracle on Ice” U.S. Olympic men’s hockey team.
Who does BIG Serve?
Each year, BIG rents over 9,000 hours of ice time and hosts dozens of events with skaters from Minnesota, other parts of the United States, and Canada.
BIG is the home arena for Bloomington Jefferson and Kennedy high school hockey teams.
Bloomington Girls Hockey Club (BGHC) and Bloomington Amateur Hockey Association (BAHA) also call BIG home.
Bloomington Skate School offers year round lessons for skaters of all age, skill and experience levels.
BIG is also home to the Figure Skating Club of Bloomington, which practices and performs at the arena, including an annual all ages Ice Show in March.
BIG offers Pro’s Ice, dedicated ice time geared towards the development and enhancement of skills by figure skaters working with coaches.
Developmental Ice is designed for working on individual hockey skills. This ice time is available to players of all ages, working with a coach, parent or on their own.
With its dedicated weekly open skating schedule, unique open skating events, on- and off-ice space rental opportunities (including meetings, birthday parties, and special events), BIG offers a wide variety of options to skaters and non-skaters alike.
3600 West 98th Street | Bloomington, MN | 55431
Did You Know?
Up to 70% of summer ice rentals are from groups outside of Bloomington.
15% of players in the Youth Hockey Hub tournament come from outside the Twin Cities.
89% of teams in the Bloomington Amateur Hockey Association’s five annual tournaments come from outside of Bloomington.
More than 90% of OS Hockey’s 1,400 summer camp participants live outside of Bloomington.
25% of Skate School registrants live outside of Bloomington.
The Need
Bloomington Ice Garden (BIG) opened in 1970 with one sheet of ice. Today, BIG features three ice rinks and is one of the busiest ice-skating facilities in Minnesota, hosting more than 9,000 hours of ice time and 24 tournaments and events annually. Years of heavy use have taken a toll.
Refrigeration mechanicals are old, inefficient, expensive to maintain and repair, and use obsolete R-22 refrigerant, which can no longer be imported into the United States.
Aging equipment, high-demand and poor accessibility are just a few of the challenges facing BIG. Watch to hear more from BIG’s ice and facilities managers.
Roof needs replacement.
Outdated refrigeration systems.
ADA accessibility improvements needed.
Rink refrigeration systems use ozone-depleting R-22. refrigerant, which is no longer produced.
Did You Know?
In September 2020, a comprehensive building assessment, including architectural, mechanical, electrical and ice systems was conducted by Hammel, Green and Abrahamson Architects (HGA). The assessment included cost estimates and identified numerous functional and operational challenges to be addressed.
Critically important is replacement of the ice plant powered by ozone-depleting R-22 refrigerant. Equipment can be serviced with recovered, recycled or reclaimed refrigerant, but in 2019, the production and import of R-22 was banned. As it becomes more scarce, it will eventually become prohibitively expensive. The Rink 2 and 3 ice system also uses R-22 and has reached the end of its useful life.
The Plan
New amenities, upgraded facilities for hockey and skating enthusiasts
The City will invest $37.2 million to renovate Bloomington Ice Garden, which will allow Bloomington athletes and families to enjoy ice time closer to home, and help the facility host more events that draw visitors from across the region. The City received $2.2 million in state bonding money for predesign work.
New spaces will improve access for all, and redesign work will enhance guest experiences with new ticketing and concessions areas and other improvements.
Planned Improvements
Reconfigure Rink 3 from Olympic size to NHL standard size.
Indoor training area.
Ticketing, security, office, and concession improvements.
Major mechanical and roofing upgrades.
ADA accessibility improvements.
Renovated locker rooms and restrooms.
New high school locker rooms.
All items subject to change.
December 2023 - Selection of JLG as Architect and Engineer via RFP
February 2024 - Selection of RJM Construction as Construction Manager via RFP
Q1 2024 - Initial bid package issued for refrigeration equipment
18-month lead time
Q3 2024 - Initial construction begins
Space created for new refrigeration equipment
Will not require closure or impact facility operation
Q1 2025 - Full facility closure to accommodate major construction.
Anticipated timing is mid-March through late fall
Q4 2025 - Reopening
all schedules subject to change
Gather pre-existing information and data to begin the project
Identify opportunities and challenges
Define scope, program, begin budget and schedule discussions
Develop engagement strategies
Schematic Design (30% design)
Create concepts/vision
Incorporates engagement feedback, most flexible part of the design process
Basic ideas, form and function
Preliminary drawings, sketches or renderings may be created
Preliminary cost estimate
Confirm sustainability goals
Staff Contact
Lenny Klevan Schmitz, Manager, Bloomington Ice Garden - forward@bloomingtonmn.gov
Construction Manager
Planning and Design Phases
Design Development (60% - 90% design) - We are here!
Refined with more detailed drawings and cost estimates
Incorporates feedback, refines and defines design
A vision takes shape into drawings
Product selection begins
Construction Documents
Design finalized
Complete set of construction drawings and specifications prepared
Bidding process, hire contractors
Construction schedule developed
Build per the design
Share status updates with community
The Cost & Funding
Bloomington Ice Garden will receive a wide range of infrastructure repairs, improved design, easier access for all residents, and a better user experience.
The total cost of the BIG Modernization Project is $37.2 million.
The half-percent sales tax passed by voters in November 2023 will be in effect on April 1, 2024 and will generate $35 million for the project
The State of Minnesota will contribute $2.2 million for pre-design work.
Spreading the cost among residents and nonresidents
In May 2023, Bloomington received legislative authorization to present voters with a referendum to fund the investments included in the Bloomington Forward plan via a half-percent local sales tax. Approved by Bloomington voters on November 7, 2023, an estimated 65% of the tax will be paid by nonresidents, according to research by the University of Minnesota. That means nonresidents will contribute an estimated $22.7 million toward the BIG Modernization Project.
How Does The Sales Tax Work?
The local half-percent sales tax will be applied the same way as the state sales tax. The tax amounts to a half-cent for every $1 spent. For example, a $10 purchase will cost an additional 5 cents.
The local sales tax has the same exemptions for purchases as the state sales tax. These include groceries, clothing, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, feminine hygiene products and baby products. Sales of motor vehicles and boats are also exempt. For more information, view this list of taxable items and this list of most nontaxable items from the Minnesota Department of Revenue.
Collections from the local sales tax will be used to make bond payments to finance the project for up to 20 years. The tax will expire when the bonds for the project are been paid off. This approach allows current residents to take advantage of the improvements while the bonds are being repaid.
Did You Know?
The average cost of the half-percent sales tax for Bloomington residents will be approximately $100 per household each year, or $8.33 per month.
For more information about the local option sales tax, visit blm.mn/sales-tax.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to common questions about Bloomington Ice Garden’s modernization project here!
Bloomington Ice Garden (BIG) features three ice rinks and is one of the busiest ice-skating facilities in Minnesota, hosting more than 9,000 hours of ice time and 24 tournaments and events annually. But years of heavy use have taken a toll. Ice and refrigeration systems are outdated and need to be replaced. A wide range of critical infrastructure work is needed, including major roof repairs and transforming Rink 3 from Olympic to standard NHL size.
The City will renovate and upgrade BIG to ensure it continues to provide Bloomington skaters and families quality ice time closer to home, as well as support more events that draw visitors from across the region. New spaces will improve access for all residents, and redesign work will enhance guest experiences with new ticketing and concessions areas and other improvements.
Historically, Bloomington Ice Garden (BIG) has not generated significant profits. In a good year, the Ice Garden covers its operating expenses but has never generated enough revenue to pay for major capital projects. Smaller improvements and replacements (e.g., new bleacher seating, replacement scoreboards, etc.) have been included in the annual Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and have been funded by the rink.
This method has been tried unsuccessfully at ice arenas and is not recommended by leading ice arena engineers in the United States. The manufacturer of the Ice Garden’s compressors will not issue any kind of warranty for other refrigerants because the existing compressors were designed and built specifically for R22 refrigerant. The production and import of R22 is banned in the U.S. because of its harmful impact on air quality and is being phased out.
The City is seeking a reliable and sustainable long-term solution for a new refrigeration system at BIG. The ice plants for two of BIG’s rinks have significantly surpassed their life expectancies. Operating one centralized ice plant with modern compressors would be significantly more energy efficient and reduce operating costs.
Media & Resources
Learn more about Bloomington Forward.
Bloomington Ice Garden Open House - Sun Current, July 31, 2024
YouTube Playlists
Bloomington Today: The Buzz, September 18, 2024
BIG Modernization Project presentation by JLG's Mitch Borgen.
December 2, 2024 City Council project update presentation.
On December 2, 2024 City staff presented an update on the Bloomington Ice Garden Modernization project and a request for approval of final design plans. Staff highlighted key aspects of the plan, including demolition of Rink 2 Zamboni garage for the new ice-making mechanicals, new Rink 3 locker rooms, updates to existing locker rooms, accessibility improvements, new floors and dasher boards on all rinks, new restrooms in an improved main concourse, and a revamped concessions area. Council approved the plan on a vote of 7-0.
Contact Us
Do you have questions or comments? Email us at forward@bloomingtonmn.gov
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