Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal

Prioritizing restoration, sustainability and desirable amenities so the Nine Mile Creek Corridor and Moir/Central Park continue to connect residents to nature and outdoor activities.

Nine Mile Creek Corridor Project Public Engagement Event - Schematic Design

Mark your calendars for March 26, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. and plan on dropping in to the Rehearsal Hall at Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, for an opportunity to review project progress and provide comments to help fine tune designs. This is another in a series of opportunities to review project progress and provide comments to help fine tune designs.

Concept Review sessions occurred in October 2024 at Moir Park and Civic Plaza. Click the links below to review project display boards available on Let’s Talk Bloomington.

See more videos in Media & Resources.

Public Engagement

  • Feedback from residents continues to shape the Bloomington Forward plan. As we move into the design phase of the projects in 2024, the City will work to answer questions and provide residents with information.

    The City of Bloomington is committed to keeping you informed on the timeline, features and benefits and construction progress of this project. We are also committed to involving you in the process by providing ongoing and inclusive opportunities for public input into the decisions that are made over the lifecycle of the project, including (but not limited to) park amenities, accessibility and mobility.

    Your input will help provide information used by the City Council to make final decisions on the project.

  • Using the International Association of Public Participation engagement framework, we will:

    • Design engagement opportunities to involve residents, stakeholders and other interested parties.

    • Ensure you have a sense of connection to the project.

    • Provide follow-up to engagement activities that reflects how your input will be used.

  • Here’s what we heard at the June 5 event: 

    Input was collected from more than 200 attendees via comment cards, video interviews, a mapping activity, one-on-one discussions, and a comment board asking for what participants are most excited and concerned about with the project.

    Comments were analyzed and summarized, then project staff reviewed for accuracy and created the following list of themes: 

    Preservation & Restoration of Natural Habitat

    • Many participants value the unique natural environment of Nine Mile Creek and want to preserve its tranquility and biodiversity. 

    • Participants appreciate efforts to enhance the natural beauty and ecological health of the area, including removing invasive species, stabilizing creek banks, and maintaining natural vegetation. 

    Accessibility and Safety 

    • Comments highlight the importance of maintaining and improving accessibility, particularly for older adults, people with disabilities, and families with young children. 

    Biking & Connectivity

    • Those not in favor of bike trails within the natural areas expressed concerns about the potential for increased accidents, conflict between bikers and pedestrians/dog walkers, and disruption of the serene environment. 

    • Those in favor of bike facilities noted that biking encourages outdoor activity for all ages and can be managed to minimize environmental impact. 

    • Some were opposed to shared bike and pedestrian trails but were in support of dedicated bike trails separate from pedestrian paths. 

    Community Engagement and Transparency

    • There is a desire for a high level of community involvement and transparency in the planning process. 

  • To assess accessibility options and opportunties in the Nine Mile Creek Corridor, a focus group was conducted on July 25, 2024.

    The goal was to gather feedback from representatives of the ADA Accessibility community about how they access the area, what amenities are desired, barriers to use and other accessibility accommodations that should be considered.


    • MN State Council on Disability

    • TRAIL manager

    • HRC Commissioner and Resident

    • Martin Luther Manor, BLP alumni, Veterans Memorial volunteer

    • Nine Mile Creek Senior Living

    • Bloomington Resident

    • Project team members from the City of Bloomington and SEH.

    For details, view the ADA Accessibility Focus Group Feedback Report.

  • As part of the Nine Mile Creek Restoration Project, the project team hosted a community Creek Walk July 30, 2024 that invited the community to join the team’s environmental experts at a series of natural resource stations. 

    Each station had experts available to hear community feedback and discuss approaches and best practices to restoring and investing in the future health of the Nine Mile Creek Corridor project area.

  • To assess options and opportunities for the bicycle community in the Nine Mile Creek Corridor, a focus group was conducted on August 1, 2024.

    The goal was to gather feedback from representatives interested in biking and connectivity in the Nine Mile Creek Corridor and surrounding destinations and connections throughout the City of Bloomington. The focus group included mountain bikers, road cyclists, commuter bicyclists along with representatives from:.

    • Hennepin County

    • Quality Bicycle Products

    • Bloomington Off-Road Cycling Alliance (BORCA)

    • Born Again Jocks

    • Project team members from the City of Bloomington and SEH.

    For details, view the Bike and Trail Connectivity Focus Group Feedback Report.

  • An open house was held at Moir Park on August 7, 2024 during which participants were engaged to provide input and ideas to help develop park concept plans for further community review and feedback.

    Input was gathered on desired park amenities, features, convenience options, natural and sustainable resources, parking, accessibility and much more.

    For full details, view the Moir Park Visioning Open House Community Feedback Report.

  • In-person, open house-style community engagement events were held October 21 at Moir Park and October 22 in the Black Box Theater at Bloomington Civic Plaza to share preliminary concepts and analysis for the Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal project.

    Attendees included:

    • Community members

    • Park users

    • Stakeholders

    • 11 City of Bloomington staff

    • 3 SEH staff

    • 2 TLAL-LI staff

    • 1 Nine Mile Creek Watershed District staff

    Identical presentation boards were displayed at both events, with information on project background, schedule, funding, and summaries of concepts developed related to the environment, trails and mobility, and infrastructure.

    The goal was to gather additional input on desired park amenities, prioritization of potential improvements, accessibility, natural area maintenance and more.

    Project team members were available throughout both events to engage attendees and answer questions.

    For details, view the full Phase 2 Open Houses Community Feedback report.

Project Concept Community Engagement Plan, Process and Schedule

Click the arrows below to expand the tabs for more information on scheduled events and activities.

    • Community Celebration Kickoff event June 5.

    • Engagement process planning.

    • Nature & Ecology Creek Walk

      • July 30, 5 - 6 p.m.

      • Take a one-hour walk with staff from the project's natural resources team.

      • Walk begins at Harrison Park, 1701 West 100th Street.

    • Focus group meetings on connectivity and ADA Accessibility.

      • Late July.

    • Help Plan Moir Park

      • August 7 , 5 - 7 p.m.

      • Moir Park picnic shelter, 10320 Morgan Avenue South.

      • Help generate ideas for desired activities and improvements specific to Moir Park during this community workshop. 

        The City is seeking input on amenities and other improvements. Meet with City staff and consultants and provide your ideas to help develop park concept plans for further community review and feedback. 

        While there, enjoy the playground, yard games and treats and buy dinner from the Potter's Pasties and Pies food truck! 

      • Can't make it to the event? Provide feedback by 12 p.m. on August 23 online at Let's Talk Bloomington.

        • The survey is closed.

    • Project team developing concepts

  • Concept Review

    The project team has listened to the community, collected technical information about the site and studied possibilities for improvements to natural resources, trails, and Moir Park. Concepts to illustrate what’s possible and provide alternatives for public input will be shared. This is part of the predesign/feasibility study process; the first phase of planning and design.

    • Agency coordination

    • Commission and  Council review


      • Monday, December 2, 2024: Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal Project update for Bloomington City Council.

      • Click the date link above to go to the City of Bloomington website where you’ll find meeting details including a link to the meeting agenda and information packet.

    • Nine Mile Creek Corridor Project Public Engagement Event - Schematic Design

      March 26, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.

      Rehearsal Hall, Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd.

      This is another in a series of opportunities for the public to review progress of the project and provide comments to fine tune designs.


      • Monday, April 28: Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal Project schematic design update for Bloomington City Council.

      • Click the date link above to go to the City of Bloomington website where you’ll find meeting details when they become available, including agenda and information packet.

Process and Schedule

This graphic provides an overview of the community engagement plan, process and schedule for developing the project concept plan. It outlines the roadmap that will lead the community, commissions and City Council to the shared preferred concept and big picture plan, including a decision regarding potential bike facilities for the Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal Project.

Engagement Basics and Event Recaps

Project Updates

Visit this page often for updated project information.

CITY COUNCIL UPDATE: Monday, December 2, 2024 

Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal project team provided Bloomington City Council with updates and facilitated a discussion regarding:

Work completed in the predesign phase, including (but not limited to):

  • - Studying existing conditions,

  • - Reviewing the feasibility of trail improvements to accommodate shared use by bikes and pedestrians

  • - Exploring ADA accessible routes

  • - Conducting and analyzing community engagement

    Community and commission feedback.

  • Consideration of whether to continue exploring potential bike access from Queen Avenue to the Minnesota River.

  • Consideration of whether to continue exploring paving the natural surface trail south of 106th Street.

The Council concurred with Staff’s direction to keep the trails south of 106th Street as natural, unpaved surfaces and to keep the Queen Avenue access pedestrian-only. The next Council update will occur in the first quarter of 2025. It will include details on project scope to be explored in schematic design, and project process and schedule including future public engagement.

  • Survey crews with vehicles will continue to be on site in winter 2025 collecting data for design.

  • Resident and user engagement will continue as the project progresses and will be listed in the Public Engagement section below.

  • An updated project community engagement plan and milestone schedule, design process, opportunities for the community to review draft designs and Council review will be developed and shared in February 2025.

  • The Community Celebration/project kickoff was held at Moir Park on June 5. Fox 9 Morning News aired a story ahead of the event, including an interview with Water Resources Specialist Jack Distel. He spoke about natural resources restoration and articulated why we are managing natural areas.

  • Architect and engineering firm chosen

  • A project milestone schedule, design process, opportunities for the community to review draft designs and Council review will be developed with the consultant team in June.

  • Draft Project Schedule:

    • 2024 Assessments of existing conditions including natural resources, trails, bridges

    • 2025 Design

    • 2026 - 2027 Construction

The Plan

A community-driven planning process will guide improvements for Moir/Central Park, with design principles reflecting priorities identified by the community in the Park System Master Plan, including natural resources, park facility needs, trails, mobility and equity.

As one of the most ecologically diverse natural areas in Bloomington, Central Park requires proper maintenance to protect the area from invasive species. Ensuring native plants and wildlife thrive into the future and residents continue to have access to enjoy and experience the park is a top priority.  

Planned Improvements

A wide array of improvements will be implemented including:

  • Stream and streambank restoration

  • 131 acres of woodland and wetland restoration

  • Invasive species management

  • New outdoor gathering space with restrooms

  • New playground

  • ADA accessibility improvements

  • Trail enhancements

  • Possible boardwalk connection to Minnesota River

All items subject to change. Extensive community engagement will take place to help guide final recommendations to the City Council.

During the pandemic, Bloomington saw extraordinary use of its parks and trails. This high demand reinforced the value of providing residents with a variety of outdoor amenities. 


  • March 2024: Issue Request for Proposals (RFP) for Architect/Engineer.

  • April - May 2024: Review RFP responses. City Council authorization of contract to SEH on May 20.

  • June - November 2024: Environmental and technical analysis/feasibility study.

  • Spring - Fall 2024: Community engagement.

  • 2025: Schematic design, design development and community engagement.

  • Early 2026: Construction documents and bid for construction.

  • Spring 2026 - 2027: Construction.

    all schedules subject to change

Planning and Design Phases

Predesign - We are here!

  • Gather pre-existing information and data to begin the project

  • Identify opportunities and challenges

  • Define scope, program, begin budget and schedule discussions

  • Develop engagement strategies

Schematic Design (30% design)

  • Create concepts/vision

  • Incorporates engagement feedback, most flexible part of the design process

  • Basic ideas, form and function

  • Preliminary drawings, sketches or renderings may be created

  • Preliminary cost estimate

  • Confirm sustainability goals


Design Development (60% - 90% design)

  • Refined with more detailed drawings and cost estimates

  • Incorporates feedback, refines and defines design

  • A vision takes shape into drawings

  • Product selection begins

  • Construction Documents

  • Design finalized

  • Complete set of construction drawings and specifications prepared


  • Bidding process, hire contractors

  • Construction schedule developed

  • Build per the design

  • Share status updates with community

The Park

Occupying more than 200 acres and two miles of Nine Mile Creek as it enters the Minnesota River, Moir/Central Park is one of the largest parks in Bloomington. Visitors come from throughout the southwest metro area to enjoy amenities including:

  • Baseball and softball fields

  • Disc golf course

  • Playgrounds

  • Two picnic shelters

  • Outdoor picnic areas

  • Volleyball court

  • Seasonal restrooms

  • Miles of improved and natural trails

Who does Nine Mile Creek and Moir/Central Park serve?

With its trails, sports features and traditional park amenities, Moir/Central Park, including the Nine Mile Creek waterway, serves walkers, hikers, nature enthusiasts, families with children of all ages, recreational athletes, public music and arts activities, private event rentals and much more!

The Nine Mile Creek Corridor provides key access to regionally significant trail networks, including the Cedar Lake Regional Trail, the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional Trail, Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and the Nokomis-Minnesota River Regional Trail.  

The Need

The 2021 Park System Master Plan assessed existing park infrastructure, and established needs and priorities based on extensive stakeholder and community engagement and input.

Priorities identified through this process included new park shelter buildings, outdoor gathering spaces, natural resources, and increasing diversification of park amenities.

Did You Know?

The Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal project area is part of a larger area identified by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as a conservation corridor. Increased volume of urban stormwater runoff causes erosion of steep slopes, streambanks, and bridge supports in Nine Mile Creek. The City will study stormwater flows, look for ways to control and repair erosion, and take a fresh look at the creek crossings from an ecological perspective.

The Nine Mile Creek Corridor is home to a variety of natural environments, including several acres of “remnant prairie” that predate human settlement. These valuable habitats require careful upkeep to maintain their health and protect against invasive species.

The Cost & Funding

The Nine Mile Creek Corridor Renewal project will focus on restoration of over 100 acres of prairie, woodland, wetland and creek habitat and improvements to other outdoor amenities in park spaces. To ensure the park continues to connect residents to nature and outdoor activities, the City will invest $20 million to:

  • Protect eroded streambanks

  • Restore natural habitat

  • Add new amenities to the park

  • Improve trails and accessibility

Spreading the cost among residents and nonresidents 

In May 2023, Bloomington received legislative authorization to present voters with a referendum to fund the investments included in the Bloomington Forward plan via a half-percent local sales tax. Approved by Bloomington voters on November 7, 2023, an estimated 65% of the tax will be paid by nonresidents, according to research by the University of Minnesota. That means nonresidents will contribute an estimated $13 million toward the Nine Mile Creek project.

How Does The Sales Tax Work?

  • The local half-percent sales tax will be applied the same way as the state sales tax. The tax amounts to a half-cent for every $1 spent. For example, a $10 purchase will cost an additional 5 cents.

  • The local sales tax has the same exemptions for purchases as the state sales tax. These include groceries, clothing, prescription and over-the-counter drugs, feminine hygiene products and baby products. Sales of motor vehicles and boats are also exempt. For more information, view this list of taxable items and this list of most nontaxable items from the Minnesota Department of Revenue. 

  • Collections from the local sales tax will be used to make bond payments to finance the project for up to 20 years. The tax will expire when the bonds for the project are paid off. This approach allows current residents to take advantage of the improvements while the bonds are being repaid.  

Did You Know?

The average cost of the half-percent sales tax for Bloomington residents will be approximately $100 per household each year, or $8.33 per month.

For more information about the local option sales tax, visit

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions about the Nine Mile Creek Corridor project here!

  • Occupying 240 acres, Moir/Central Park in the Nine Mile Creek Corridor is a beautiful slice of nature, featuring trails and many outdoor amenities that residents enjoy. The Nine Mile Creek Corridor serves as a key connection to the Minnesota River Valley, as well as a regional trail connection to the Cedar Lake Regional Trail, the Minnesota River Bluffs Regional Trail, Nine Mile Creek Regional Trail and the Nokomis-Minnesota River Regional Trail.

    As one of the most ecologically diverse natural areas in Bloomington, Nine Mile Creek requires greater maintenance to protect the area from invasive species and ensure that native plants and wildlife can thrive into the future.

    To ensure Moir/Central Park and the Nine Mile Creek Corridor continue to connect residents to nature and outdoor activities, the City will restore eroded riverbanks, enhance and protect natural habitat, add new amenities to the park and improve access.

  • The Nine Mile Creek Corridor is one of the most ecologically diverse areas in Bloomington. The project will improve access to the area without disrupting the natural surroundings of the Nine Mile Creek Corridor. The City will restore eroded riverbanks and protect natural habitat while improving access for the public.

  • No. The project will focus on restoring eroded banks along the creek and protecting natural habitat from invasive species in order to ensure that native plants and wildlife thrive in the future.

  • New amenities for Moir Park include an outdoor gathering space, specifically a new picnic shelter with restrooms. There will also be a new accessible playground. Other new amenities and updated greenspace will be included in place of the diamond field as informed through community engagement.

  • The investments for Nine Mile Creek Corridor will focus primarily on preservation and habitat restoration. Improving access is also a goal, but new trail projects, including those for bikes, would have to go through a rigorous review process to make sure the corridor is protected before they would be included in the plan. This review process will gather input from Bloomington residents as well as from wildlife and habitat experts.

    In 2024, the City will explore various concepts to improve access, including a trail connection from Moir Park to the lower trails as well as new bridges. However, such ideas are preliminary and will require extensive review and community input before moving forward.

  • There will be 131 acres of woodland and wetland restoration. The goal of this work is to manage invasive species and increase diversity. Specific improvements to Nine Mile Creek include restoring the creek, banks, and bluffs and repairing erosion.

  • There are several partners, including Nine Mile Creek Watershed District and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The City will seek other partnerships through grants in 2024.

Media & Resources

Learn more about Bloomington Forward.


Erosion is a natural part of any creek, but sometimes it can cause problems and needs to be managed. Learn more about erosion control techniques along Nine Mile Creek.

Wetlands are an important part of the ecosystem along the Nine Mile Creek corridor. Learn how we can manage them to be healthier in the future.

There are many ways to navigate the Nine Mile Creek valley. Discover the different ways you can enter and explore Moir, Harrison and Central Parks.

Hear community members reflect on what makes Nine Mile Creek such a special place.

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